Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Melbourne Jewish Women's Show, Weather and the versatile nature of compote concoctions


Well Melbourne weather, as usual, it is full of changes. We started yesterday with pouring rain, fined up for a short while, then storms and rain and hail in some places, then it was fine with clear skies then rain again. It is quite exciting all this change and one does a fast turnaround in the wardrobe department because one never knows what one is supposed to wear or whether one should carry an umbrella and multi dress. You have heard of multi tasking, well Melbournians have to multi dress. It pays to start light and accessorise to protect oneself from the weather and dress for all occasions. Today again has been no exception.  Rain, sunshine and cloudy. We do not have yesterday's wind yet, but let's wait and see. Good Old Melbourne never yet disappoints.
The Melbourne Jewish Women's show is back on air at 1674 AM at 7pm and we are talking with Rabbi Braun a very talented Israeli born Chazan. He sings with his two twin sons and they are great. Beautiful voices all. We are very happy to be back on air.
Now let us talk about compote. Compote is a marvellous food for people of all ages. Especially for babies and for older people who may have teeth and gum problems. It is easily digestible as soup is.. As you can see above I have been experimenting with different flavours and textures of compote. The blended variety is better. I am also thinking of vegie compotes and a line of natural baby foods and a line of tasty spiced soups for people who like taste and zing in their food.
The compote on the left has peach and papaya pieces in it and the middle one in the round container is mainly apple and pear based with some banana and mango. The one on the right is mainly strawberry, a touch of banana and some apples and pears. I had to blend it first before I cooked it - hence the subtle colours and quite delicate flavours.
Just imagine getting people weaned off Hungry Jacks and Mac Donalds and Subway fast food and into the supermarkets to buy a pot of compote for lunch. You could  have natural healthy vegie compote for first course and then  finish off with a fruit compote. I have made so far around five different varieties of compote and I have given my son some of the strawberry for breakfast after his toast.  He was a bit resistant to the idea at first but enjoyed it once he had been convinced to taste it. It has loads of vitamin C and other trace elements which ensures a good start to the day. We are going to be eating a lot of compote in the next few weeks.

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